Frequently Asked Questions

Q: What value does Care Management service deliver?

Every case is different and should be tailored to the individual. We offer an initial no cost consultation with one of our nurses where we listen and assess the individual’s needs. We have over two decades of experience.

Q: If we go forward what are the next steps?

Based on the preliminary evaluation of needs we provide a comprehensive written nursing assessment focusing on ongoing management of those needs. This may involve one of our partners such as a Geriatrician, Occupational Therapist, Physiotherapists, Dietician or Social Worker.

Q: What about staff?

We have developed a long-term relationship with an agency where staff are carefully screened to match the client’s specific needs. We require the staff to understand not only the medical requirements but also to exhibit a positive, respectful, culturally sensitive attitude to the client.

Q: How do you ensure a client receives optimum care?

Our focus is on preventative care: avoiding situations where emergency care is required. We advocate for the clients in healthcare settings ensuring that all reasonable care is delivered. We monitor staff to ensure early detection of potential adverse outcomes. We are on call 24/7/365.

Q: What does this cost?

Again, every situation is different. We will set out the options matched to the available financial resources. This will include comparison of care at home, a retirement residence, or a long-term care facility.

Call Carol at 416-362-9176, there is no obligation, and she will be happy to provide some initial thoughts on the care of your loved one.

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Client Testimonials

I live with my elderly mother and severely disabled husband.  I was determined to keep both of these dear people with their families. The task of caregiving was sometimes overwhelming. In conversation with Carol, she recognized my needs.  She knew instinctively that I needed help to meet the commitment I had made to the two of them and myself. She had an understanding of what I was trying to do. There was compassion and assurance that some steps could be taken to help me out. She immediately went to work contacting an established list of service providers.  She kept me updated regularly. I no longer felt alone. She is an advocate; someone who knows the complicated medical system. She is a friend. I am so grateful to Carol for all her support.