The Careable Blog

Harry & Merrill Swain

For the last two years of mom’s life, Carol Edwards/Careable Inc. organized home and health care for our mother. Both of us had full-time jobs that required a lot of travel, and Mom required 24-hour personal care if she was to continue to live in the comfortable circumstances of her own home. Carol worked with personal service workers, Mom’s doctors and dentist, and ran interference with suppliers and bureaucracies on our behalf.

Her empathy, energy and full-time availability for emergencies were remarkable and of the essence, as far as we were concerned. She knew the alternatives to home care and advised us in practical terms what the options were. When Mother was in the hospital, Carol was her advocate, ensuring that the necessary degree of care was in fact provided. Her fees were reasonable and her advice saved more than the cost.  If you face similar circumstances, there is no question that the undersigned, to whom further questions may be addressed, would recommend her services.”

For the last two years of mom’s life, Carol Edwards/Careable Inc. organized home and health care for our mother. Both of us had full-time jobs that required a lot of travel, and Mom required 24-hour personal care if she was to continue to live in the comfortable circumstances of her own home. Carol worked with personal service workers, Mom’s doctors and dentist, and ran interference with suppliers and bureaucracies on our behalf.

Her empathy, energy and full-time availability for emergencies were remarkable and of the essence, as far as we were concerned. She knew the alternatives to home care and advised us in practical terms what the options were. When Mother was in the hospital, Carol was her advocate, ensuring that the necessary degree of care was in fact provided. Her fees were reasonable and her advice saved more than the cost.  If you face similar circumstances, there is no question that the undersigned, to whom further questions may be addressed, would recommend her services.”